News - Chaticks si Chaticks

Chaticks si Chaticks - Pawnee Nation News

Chaticks si Chaticks is published quarterly and is the official news publication of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma. It contains up-to-date information on tribal programs, events, health, and wellness.

The Chaticks si Chaticks is mailed to enrolled members of the Pawnee Nation, one per household or address, free of charge.  In the interest of “Going Green,” a fee of $5 per copy will be charged for papers mailed to non-tribal members. A complimentary PDF Copy may be downloaded and viewed on the website. Each edition is listed below.

Please make sure your mailing address is up to date with the Enrollment Office.
Phone: 918-762-3621 Option #7.

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Chaticks si Chaticks Archives

2021 Editions

Tribal Members are welcome to submit content for the newsletter - please contact the Communications Office for submissions.


phone: (918) 762-3621 ext. 126