Government - The Rêsâru’karu Council

The Nasharo (Rêsâru’karu) Council

The Nasharo Council, or Rêsâru’karu, is the traditional form of the Pawnee government. In the past, each band had its own council composed of men who held the position of Resaru or Nasharo based on descendance. Negative impacts on the Nation’s population and the influence of the U.S. Government caused each band to drop their own council and instead contribute members to a “tribal” council. This Nasharo Council met with the appointed United States agent to the Pawnee Nation in a government-to-government relationship. This relationship continued when the Nation moved to Oklahoma and lasted until January 6, 1938, when the Pawnee Nation ratified the first “Constitution and By-Laws of the Pawnee Indians of Oklahoma” which created the Pawnee Business Council.

The Nasharo Council, also known as the “Chiefs Council” consists of eight (8) members, each serving four-year terms. Each band shall have two (2) representatives on the Nasharo Council selected by the members of the tribal bands, Cawî, Kitkehahki, Pitahawirata, and Skidi.

The Nasharo Council reviews rules and regulations concerning membership within the Pawnee Nation.

All acts regarding Membership or Claims or Treaty Rights of the Pawnee Business Council shall be subject to review by the Nasharo Council.

The Nasharo Council shall have the right to review all acts of the Pawnee Business Council regarding the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma membership and Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma claims or rights growing out of treaties between the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma and the United States provided such acts of the PBC shall be valid and valid unless formally disapproved of the Nasharo Council within 30 days after such acts are referred to the latter Council; where such are disapproved by the Nasharo Council, the PBC may submit them to a referendum of the Pawnee Nation.

The Bands of the Pawnee Nation shall elect their respective representative under rules and regulations prescribed by the Chiefs of each Band. The representatives selected shall serve until the next regular selection of members of the Nasharo Council.

Vacancies in the membership of the Nasharo Council shall be filled under rules and regulations prescribed by the Nasharo Council.

The Nasharo Council shall have the power to establish its own offices and to designate its own officers, to fix its own meeting days, and to adopt its own rules of procedure; provided a quorum is present to transact business. Records of the proceedings of this body shall be kept.

The Rêsâru’karu Council

Morgan Littlesun, 1st Resaru, and Adrian Horsechief, 2nd Resaru for the Kitkahaki Band
Gilbert Beard, 1st Resaru, and Pat Leading Fox, 2nd Resaru for the Ckiri Band
Frank Adson, 1st Resaru, and Tim Jim, 2nd Resaru for the Pitahawirata Band
Matt Reed, 1st Resaru, and David Kanuho, 2nd Resaru for the Cawi Band

Officers for the Resaru Council are:
Pat Leading Fox, Head Resaru
Matt Reed, 2nd Resaru
Tim Jim, Treasure
Gilbert Beard, Secretary

The Resaru Council meetings are held in the conference room of the Pawnee Nation Police Department. Each meeting is open to the public.