Cynthia Butler

Cynthia L. Butler is of the Skidi and Kitkehaki bands. Pawnee name given by Tom Rice is Chupirit Taka (White Star).
Family: Cynthia is the daughter of George and Tammy Butler, granddaughter of George Butler Sr. and Cynthia Pratt, and Great Granddaughter of Harry and Lucy Pratt. She lives in Pawnee with her son Aiden Cozad.
Her and her family participate in cultural and ceremonial events. She has also cooked for the Pawnee Indian Veterans Organization, OSU Powwow Organization, Native American Church and events around the community and state.
Education: Bachelor in Science, Business Administration with a minor in Entrepreneurship from Oklahoma State University and Associate in Science, Business Administration, Northern Oklahoma College .
Committees and Commissions Served: Past Committees and Commissions include: Treasurer of the Pawnee Nation Employees Club, Secretary of the PN Liquor Control Commission, Vice-Chair of the J.O.M. Parent Committee, PN Environmental Regulatory Commission, PN Election Commission, PN Princess Committee and served as staff support for all Pawnee Business Council Committees.
PBC Committees:
Governing Documents Committee, Chair
Princess Committee, Member
Planning Committee, Member
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, Member
Pawnee Chamber of Commerce, Director
Pawnee Community Summit, Member at Large
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