Health & Wellness
The Pawnee Nation Diabetes Program is offering one-time youth scholarships for individuals participating in activities that relate to our best practice of physical activity. Applicants must live within our service area of Pawnee County, provide proof of residency, tribal affiliation (if applicable for self or parent/guardian), and this application. Scholarships will be paid directly to…
Read MoreCommunity Assessment Survey The Pawnee Nation Diabetes Program is seeking community input for future program services. Complete the survey at or via the QR code. Once survey is completed, contact the Diabetes Program at (918) 762-3873 opt. 4 or to be entered into our drawing for a Tanka Bar variety gift box or…
Read More~NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH AWARENESS MONTH~ WHEN: September 9th, 2021 @ 6 pm WHERE: 400 Agency Road, DHCS Building Please feel free to contact the Wellness Program at (918)762-3873 ext. 4 or (918)762-2143
Read MoreOn behalf of the Oklahoma City Area Director’s Indian Health Services, Tribal, Urban Awards, held their 18th Annual Ceremony last week. There were several from the Pawnee Indian Health Center who received awards. So, let’s celebrate for all their hard work, dedication and achievements to help increase and improve the Indian Health care systems throughout…
Read MoreMask Mandate! Pawnee Nation Buildings August 2, 2021 The TRIBAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMITTEE has determined that it is in the best interest of the Pawnee Nation community to adhere to the Center for Disease Control’s guidance concerning “areas of substantial or high transmission” masking guidance. This guidance can be obtained at: Beginning today, August…
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