Pawnee Chamber appoints historic selection with local Tribal Leader

On January 18, 2024, the Pawnee Chamber of Commerce made a historic selection and swore in a new President for the Board. Pawnee Nation Councilwoman Cynthia Butler is the first Tribal Woman selected and sworn in as Chamber President. The swearing in ceremony was conducted by Mayor Alice Cottle, also another trailblazer in her career…

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The Inter-Tribal Transportation Association (ITA) selects a new President.

Chris McCray Portrait

On December 5-7, 2023, the Inter-Tribal Transportation Association (ITA) held its Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Among the many important topics on the agenda was the nomination and selection of 2024 regional representatives, Treasurer and President.  Representatives from across the nations 12 BIA regions held their caucuses during the morning session, to make their nominations. By the end of the morning session Mr. Chris McCray was selected as the new President of ITA.

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