Divisions - Youth Services
The Application for JOM Progam to help with upcoming school-related fees is now available.
The Youth Services Department provides our Native students educational opportunities as well as cultural awareness. This program targets Native youth by providing direct services that include educational support and cultural activities. The Youth Services Program is facilitated through a combination of efforts to enhance education and create environments that support cultural activities. The goal is to encourage individuals to remain active participants to obtain the optimal experience that provides a balance of educational opportunities and cultural awareness.
Summer Youth Work Experience Program - ages 14 - 21
Summer Camp
Reading Camp
Johnson O'Malley Program- ages 3 through 12th grade
Pawnee Nation liquor control commissions Scholarship application
The deadline for the PNLCC Scholarship application is January 17, 2025.
For more information please contact the Youth Services Coordinator.
Stephanie Sewell, Youth Services Coordinator
(918) 762-3227 Ext. 226
Fax: (918) 762-0006
Email: ss0499@pawneenation.org
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
Cultural Learning Center
657 Harrison Street
P.O. Box 470
Pawnee, OK 74058
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