Government - The Executive Office

Jenifer Gover Littlesun, Executive Director
Contact Information:
(918) 762-3621 Ext. 127
The Executive Office
The Executive Office works closely with the Pawnee Business Council (PBC) in providing support for developing strategic direction; coordinating activities with council and committees, approving, calculating, and processing travel; providing oversight of operations; identifying short-term and long-term opportunities; assisting in development and enactment of tribal legislation; providing minutes; maintaining records; and serving as a point of for tribal members, funding agencies and governmental offices.
The Executive Office staff also works with Pawnee Nation's various programs in identifying goals, objectives, services, outcomes, needs, and resources needed to provide quality services to our tribal membership. Employees also establish and maintain effective communications with applicable State and Federal legislative bodies and funding agencies. The Executive Director serves as a liaison between the PBC and the staff and with the Census Bureau.
The Executive Office team consists of:
Executive Director - Jenifer Gover Littlsun
Executive Administrative Assistant - Jamie Nelson
Executive Office Assistant - Skye Goodfox
Receptionist/Assistant - Ericka SunEagle-Shawnee
Burial Assistance
The Pawnee Business Council shall set the amount for burial assistance in the annual budgeting process. The amount of burial will be established in the annual tribal operating budget.
For more information on Burial Assistance please call the Executive Office at 918-762-3621