President Message from President Echo-Hawk
President Message from President Echo-Hawk

TO ALL PAWNEE NATION EMPLOYEES, I want to express my sympathies and condolences on the recent passing of two long-time and beloved tribal employees, the late Nancy Moore and Barbara Attocknie. Our flag was lowered for them this month as their loved ones laid them to rest. These ladies were a big part of our tribal government. Everyone thought well of them and I know they will be sorely missed by their friends, relatives, and co-workers here at the Pawnee Nation complex.

Atius has touched many other loved ones in this month of sorrow. Many are mourning the loss of our revered elder Neva Moore. My folks recently laid to rest my nephew, the late Owen Echo Hawk III, known as “Tawit.” And today the flag is lowered for the passing of Waltina Bayhylle. Prayers go out to them, and their folks.
I want to encourage each tribal employee to keep Nancy and Barbara in your heart and continue to offer up prayers for their loved ones they left behind. We understand both Nancy and Barbara loved the Pawnee Nation and served our people well. It is with that same dedication and service to the Pawnee Nation that I encourage each of you to carry on what they exemplified in their service to the Nation. Please know that the Business Council, the tribal government, and the Pawnee people depend on your strength and perseverance during these hard and uncertain days and I thank every tribal employee from the bottom of my heart.
Take care of yourself and each other. Please stay safe for your family and community–not only here at the Pawnee Nation complex, but also when you go home after work. Wear masks, social distance, avoid gatherings, and wash your hands—be role models for the ones you love and set a proud example for the community. Even though the vaccination program is underway, we must remain faithful to these safety measures until everyone is vaccinated and the coronavirus fades away.
Thank you,
President Walter Echo-Hawk