Pawnee Nation Disc Golf Course

Sponsored by the Pawnee Pride Program, the Pawnee Nation has a disc golf course throughout campus for the whole family to enjoy.


How to play Disc Golf:

The object of disc golf is to have fun and complete the course in the fewest throws. Safety and courtesy are important. Be careful of plants, animals, and other visitors. Please play responsibly. Throw only when the landing area is clear of people including other players.

  • Start from the teeing area. The play must throw from behind the front of the teeing area.


  • Subsequent throws are played from behind the spot where the previous throw came to rest. This spot is known as the "lie". If your disc comes to rest in a tree or bush, the lie is the spot on the ground directly below.


  • A run-up and follow through are allowed, but the player must release the disc before stepping past the lie.


  • When throwing from within 10 meters (32.8 ft) of the target, you may not step past your lie before establishing balance.


  • The hole is completed when the disc comes to rest in the basket or chains. The hole is not completed if the disc is resting on the top of the target.


  • If a throw goes out-of-bounds, play from the last in-bounds location or the previous lie counting the original throw and a one-throw penalty.
PN Disc Golf Course