News - PBC Meetings 2019 Video Links
2019 VIMEO Pawnee Business Council Meetings
Click below on a date for direct link to the PBC Videos
***Must be logged into Vimeo to view link***
Please note, the Private Group works best on computers, through internet browsers, and not through the Vimeo app (cell phones, tablets, smart TVs). To watch from your cell phone, please use an internet browser.
August 3, 2019 - Quarterly Meeting
February 2, 2019 - Quarterly Meeting
January 2, 2019 - Pawnee Business Council Emergency Meeting
Tribal members can now have access and view the Pawnee Business Council meetings online.
The PBC videos are on an online platform called Vimeo. To gain access, please fill out the Vimeo Verification form (DOWNLOAD PDF) and submit to the Pawnee Nation Enrollment Division. Follow the steps below.
*** VIDEOS ARE UPLOADED 24-48 hours after each meeting***