Culture - Pawnee Nation Princess

2024-2025 Pawnee Nation Princess
Cora Marie Pratt
Cora Marie Pratt, "Sku," which means, "On that Good Road," was selected to serve as the 2024-2025 Pawnee Nation Princess. Cora is the daughter of Jr. and Christa Pratt. She is the granddaughter of Duane and the late Henrietta Pratt, and Rick Haught and the late Carolyn Brown. Her great paternal grandparents are Adam and Hazel White Pratt, and Lawrence and Flora Goodfox-All Pawnee full-bloods. She is of the Skidi and Chaui Bands.
Cora is 16 years old and a sophomore at Pawnee Public Schools. She is a straight A student and a member of the Beta Club, gifted and talented, and the Northern Plains Indian Club. Cora competes on the Black Bear golf team and trains at the Studio K Ballet School. Her future plans are to attend OU and work towards a degree in the Nursing field and profession.
Cora is a member of the Cushing Indian Baptist Church. She has traveled all over the country with her father and brothers, Adam and Andy, as a part of the Native Gospel team; The Tribe of Judah.
Cora has been dancing her entire life. She was raised in a strong ceremonial family. Through this, she has learned the value and importance of not only knowing her Pawnee ways, but also living according to them. As such, she understands her being chosen as Pawnee Nation Princess not only represents her and her family, but the Pawnee Nation as a whole. She will do her utmost to live up to this great honor. "Attias achik ska pa kis."

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