Divisions - Indian Child Welfare

Pawnee Nation Indian Child Welfare (ICW)

The purpose of the Pawnee Nation Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Program is to provide services to families and children that are enrolled Tribal members of the Pawnee Nation, by preventing the breakup of the family in crisis situations. Services that are provided are preventative casework/intervention, family reunification, adoption and permanent placement, counseling/referral services and advocacy/monitoring court cases in tribal and state systems. ICW also recruits and certifies Indian homes to serve as foster care placements for Tribal children removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse.


Preserving Safe and Stable Families Program 
The Preserving Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) program provides comprehensive support services to families identified as "at risk" to ensure the safety of our Pawnee children as well as family unity. Services offered include, but are not limited to, counseling, resource referral, direct assistance, advocacy in court proceedings involving child custody issues and adoption services.


Foster Care
Homes are needed for children of all ages, from birth to 17, and for all lengths of time.  Foster parents are asked to do a very difficult job; to make a child a part of their family without knowing how long this child will be with them. Although it is not an easy job, it comes with a sense of joy and accomplishment. Foster parents are able to help children through a difficult time, teach them life skills and help them develop into strong and capable people.

There is no specific “type” of foster home. Foster parents can be single or married, have other children or no children, be a stay-at-home parent or be employed outside the home.


Pawnee Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program volunteers are individuals who receive training to be advocates for kids involved in the child welfare system. CASA volunteers typically have one or two cases to monitor, which involves meeting with the children and providing reports to the court.

Divorce custody matters are not a part of Indian Child Welfare.


Randee Marks
Indian Child Welfare Coordinator
(918) 762-9779 ext.175
Cell: (918)891-2888

Leah Merrill
Pawnee Indian Child Welfare Administrative Assistant

(918) 762-9780 ext.143
Cell: (918)891-1393

Office Location
400 Agency Road

Mailing: PO BOX 470
Pawnee, OK 74058