Dr. Charles Knife Chief COVID-19 and Vaccination Message to Pawnee Nation Members
Dr. Charles Knife Chief COVID-19 and Vaccination Message to Pawnee Nation Members

Recent reports have noted a decrease in both the number of new COVID-19 infections and deaths. Factors leading to this decrease are people adhering to the recommendations for frequent hand washing, wearing of masks, and social distancing in addition to the natural course of virus cycles. COVID-19 is a novel virus meaning that it has not been seen in humans before, and because of this, we are continuing to find out more information about it, for example it appears that some individuals can contract the virus twice. The Native American population has many medical issues placing them at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 infection, including heart and kidney disease, obesity, and diabetes. The vaccines that are now available have shown to decrease the percentage of symptomatic infection and severe illness. Vaccines, in general, are about preventing infection. Rare severe reactions have been reported, so if you have any concerns about the vaccines that are currently available, you should discuss them with your health care provider.
– Dr. Charles Knife Chief
Pawnee Business Council, Member Seat #4