The Division of Tribal Operations has four cemeteries to maintain; however, the Pitahawirata Cemetery has not used for years. Our Operations staff assists Tribal family members with the burying of their loved one at their choice of location. These services include the opening and covering of the grave; as well as the use of a Tribal facility for wake services, the funeral and the traditional mourner's feast. Facility users may choose one or any combination of the services offered.
These services include, but are not limited to:
Cemetery Maintenance
Weed control
Ground leveling
Old flower removal
Opening and/or closing of the grave
Custodial Services
The Division of Tribal Operations manages facilities by utilizing housekeeping standards and/or current industry standard practices. Tribal programs, departments and customers can obtain facility custodial services under the Division of Tribal Operations management plan. These services cover the cleaning schedules for operation of the Tribal facilities. Facility users may choose one or any combination of the services offered. These services include, but are not limited to the following.
Routine minor cleaning services
Scheduled major cleaning services
Scheduled filter changing services
Safety inspections
The Division of Tribal Operations offers a comprehensive array of individual building maintenance services through the Division of Tribal Operations management plan. These services will assist facility users to achieve a cleaning program for specific areas of a building.
Assist with individualized program cleaning (for annual inspections)
Window cleaning
Carpet cleaning
Floor maintenance
Dusting control
Jimmy Jestes
Division Director
(918) 762-2273
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
361 Clinic Road
P.O. Box 470
Pawnee, OK 74058
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