18th Annual Oklahoma City Area Director’s Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Awards Ceremony. Let’s congratulate the Pawnee Indian Health Center employees who received awards!
18th Annual Oklahoma City Area Director’s Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Awards Ceremony. Let’s congratulate the Pawnee Indian Health Center employees who received awards!
On behalf of the Oklahoma City Area Director’s Indian Health Services, Tribal, Urban Awards, held their 18th Annual Ceremony last week. There were several from the Pawnee Indian Health Center who received awards. So, let’s celebrate for all their hard work, dedication and achievements to help increase and improve the Indian Health care systems throughout the area.
We are extremely proud of the Pawnee Indian Health Center employees and want to recognize their outstanding services and contributions to Indian Health and Indian Country.
Thank you to Sharon Pratt (35 years), Stella Moore (35 years), Janet Gonzales (30 years), and James Kanuho Jr. (30 years) for receiving the Length of Services Award.
Thank you to Alena Speaksthunder for receiving the Merit Award!
Thank you to Hunter Parker for receiving the Peers Recognition Award!